Determining the Effect of Nursing Students' Self-Efficacy on Clinical Stress Levels

Self-Efficacy and Clinical Stress




Nursing Students,, Clinical Stress, Clinical Practice, Self-Efficacy


Aim: This research was conducted to determine the effect of nursing students' self-efficacy perceptions on clinical stress levels. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted in descriptive and cross-sectional type. The research was conducted between 01.01.2022 and 01.02.2022 with second and third year students studying in the nursing department of a university. It was planned to reach the entire population in the research and the research was completed with 185 nursing students who volunteered to participate in the research. Data were collected using the "Student Introductory Information Form", "Self-Efficacy Scale" and "Pagana Clinical Stress Survey (PKSA)". The data were analyzed in SPSS 26 program. Findings: Of the nursing students participating in the research, 74.1% were women, 51.4% were second-year students, 59.5% chose the profession willingly, 69.2% loved their profession, 67% were interested in clinical practice. It was determined that 67% felt ready for clinical practice and felt excited before clinical practice. In the study, the mean total score of the Self-Efficacy Scale was 63.97±9.82 and the mean total score of PAGANA Clinical Stress was 54.50±40.96. A negative, weak and statistically non-significant relationship was detected between the Self-Efficacy Scale and the PAGANA Clinical Stress Scale (Spearman's r: -0.038; p>0.05). Result: As a result of this research, it was determined that the self-efficacy perceptions and clinical stress levels of the nursing students participating in the study were above the average, and although not significant, increasing the self-efficacy level reduced clinical stress. In this regard, it may be recommended to integrate techniques such as simulation, visualization, and peer education, which are known to reduce stress and increase self-confidence, into nursing education, to have trainers with students during clinical training, and to give students the opportunity to practice in many different clinics.


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How to Cite

Ozbudak Arıca, E., Kılınç, F., ARSLAN, Özge N., & TAŞDEMİR , Z. (2024). Determining the Effect of Nursing Students’ Self-Efficacy on Clinical Stress Levels: Self-Efficacy and Clinical Stress. Mediterian Journal of Health Sciences Current Research, 2(1), 43–55.